Hotel 3 Reyes

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Boda en el Hotel Tres Reyes

By | 22 June, 2017 | 0 comments

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El Camino de Santiago en Navarra

By | 2 May, 2017 | 0 comments

Those who have followed the Way of Saint James say that the experience transforms them. Miles of history and nature, culture and cuisine provide the setting for a journey whose experiences and discoveries fill the backpack of their memories until they reach Compostela.

Did you know that Navarre is the gateway to the Way of Saint James in the Iberian Peninsula? Read full article

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“Jornadas Dis-trufa & Champagne” en el Hotel Tres Reyes

By | 8 March, 2017 | 0 comments

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Los 10 mejores restaurantes y asadores de Pamplona

By | 1 March, 2017 | 0 comments

A few weeks ago, we talked about the Top 10 Pintxo Bars in Pamplona, today we bring you the top 10 restaurants and grills in the city. We want to make sure you have all the right pointers when you come and visit us. Read full article

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¿Quieres ganar un Fin de Semana de Lujo ?¡Participa en nuestro CONCURSO!

By | 1 December, 2016 | 0 comments

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Tentaciones de otoño en Navarra

By | 26 September, 2016 | 0 comments

Walking on a bed of ocher leaves, visiting a winery and tasting a delicious wine, savoring scrumptious mushrooms and getting lost within the walls of a church on the Way of Saint James are just a few of the temptations offered by Navarre in the Fall.

Imagine that you wake up in a comfortable hotel room. Read full article

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Los 10 Mejores Bares de Pintxos de Pamplona

By | 27 July, 2016 | 0 comments

Skewered snacks called pintxos are to Pamplona what bulls are to San Fermín: mandatory and irresistible.
Tradition invites us to succumb to the temptation of savoring these small doses of high cuisine, accompanied by a good wine.
Where are the best pintxo bars in Pamplona?

We at the Hotel Tres Reyes have made a selection of our favorites. Read full article

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San Fermín … ¡A Pamplona hemos de ir!

By | 5 July, 2016 | 0 comments

On 6 July 1923, an American journalist arrived in Pamplona, sent to cover the festival of San Fermín. What he experienced during the festival impressed him so much that three years later he published a novel set there, making him a devotee of San Fermín for the rest of his life. That journalist was Ernest Hemingway and his novel was The Sun Also Rises. Read full article

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Menú 07 de Julio

By | 30 May, 2016 | 0 comments

SAN FERMIN MENU Read full article

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